Saturday, March 15

Paper: Re-Revised Outline

I. The Christian & The Homosexual: Can These Communities Co-Exist?

  1. Introduction focusing on the "issue" of homosexuality within the Church community. The Christian community must rethink its views towards homosexuality. Thesis: Within this paper, I will demonstrate that the Christian community has used rhetoric & social stigma to ignore, marginalize and ostracize the homosexual community. Furthermore, I will attempt to use the countercultural model of contextual theology to bridge the communication gap and express the Gospel message between the Christian and homosexual communities.

  2. My experience with the gay community. How personal relationships change ones understanding of homosexuality.

  3. Public discussion of the subject of homosexuality has been controlled mostly by ideological extremes: the extreme gay left and the extreme antigay right.

II. Models of Contextual Theology by Stephen B. Bevans: Countercultural Model
  1. Define countercultural model.

  2. A place of centrality is given to the Gospel within this model.

  3. The core of the Gospel, according to Jesus, is “love”.

III. What are some ways the Christians community can address the issue in a progressive and practical ways?
  1. Jay Bakker & Sundance Channel’s One Punk Under God documentary series.

  2. Communities like these are a practical embodiment of the countercultural model of contextual theology discussed earlier.

  3. Conclusion: “Brokenness” is indeed a hidden virtue. The Church needs to embrace and support this group of people, not despite scripture and tradition, but in light of scripture and tradition. Is the church welcoming the uninvited?

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