Saturday, February 2

Response: Aaron's Blog [Week 4]

Although it is true that it is grossly unrealistic to expect people to be transformed into the character of Christ at the rate of one hour a week. I have to disagree with Aaron's overall assessment and point out that the majority of churches, including mega-churches aren't shaping their Sunday services to engage today's postmodern culture well enough to create experiences where the church goer can commune, experience, and meet with God.

Personally, I have created Sunday services that were full of visual, auditory, and experiential elements that require the attendee to engage their faith. With well thought out live painting, expressive original music, and prayer stations an [extra]ordinary Sunday service can move from the routine to a personal and powerful faith experience. Yes, discipleship, small groups and missions are powerful tools in their own right. But a well thought out Sunday service can move from a ritualistic, mundane, and traditional nature into an [extra]traditional transformational tool.

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