Saturday, January 12

Reading: Cobb [Popular]

Kelton Cobb takes a wonderful angle in the introduction and first chapter of The Blackwell Guide to Theology and Popular Culture. Within the book, Cobb observes culture through the artists, thinkers and writers of our time. From Chuck Palahniuk's Fight Club to M. Night Shyamalan's Signs, Cobb beautifully blends current cultural phenomenons in poignant and critical analysis.

What is interesting is that each creative piece being observed, whether it be film or literature, is examining life, faith and the soul. Each is attempting to finding the "Why?" behind our human existence. If you have ever taken care of a adolescent child you have experience the seemingly echoing "Why?" questions about everything from why dogs can't talk to why the sky is blue. After reading the beginning of Cobb, I am reminded we apparently never stop questioning.

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